Team Asay

Team Asay

Established 1996

My photo
Team Asay consists of Amy, Aaron and a team of kids, Bodi 14, Noah 12, Clara 9 and Ireland 6. Loving and living life to it's fullest no matter what the twists and turns are in our journey. We always have each other!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

My heart was filled....

My first patient today in Xiujuy was an 8 year old girl named Besayra who has suffered from severe scoliosis since birth. She has asthma and is very small for her age in addition to the effects of the scoliosis. Her mother told me she says she hurts every morning when she wakes up. I asked her about her bed and she told me she sleeps on a metal and cinder block bed with 1 layer of cardboard for padding. She took me to her house to see it and I nearly cried when I saw the humble home in which they live. I had to return to work though I would have given anything to pass the whole day playing with Besayra and her family. As we were leaving she came out of her home and offered me a bunch of bananas, which I gratefully accepted knowing this gift was perhaps a part of their small evening meal. Some of my companions and i have decided to start a pool to try and buy her a mattress before we leave. We saw many patients but my heart melted for this little child of our father in heaven who was born to such a life, yet, is an angel to everyone she comes in contact with.

1 comment:

  1. You are right how very special she is...good luck with finding her a bed. How blessed we are and how fortunate they are to have so many groups that volunteer their time for them. I am sure they show you how appreciated they are even if it were just a mere hug and smile:-).
    We love you and miss you!Bodi wants to know if there is any way he can help the little girl. Love Mom Asay and Bodi
