Team Asay

Team Asay

Established 1996

My photo
Team Asay consists of Amy, Aaron and a team of kids, Bodi 14, Noah 12, Clara 9 and Ireland 6. Loving and living life to it's fullest no matter what the twists and turns are in our journey. We always have each other!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Continuation of last blog

The last blog got cut short so read it first then continue here!!!!!!!!!  PS the volcano is in the first pic.

........We organized our equipment and began seeing patients who came from all over the town, some walking quite long distances.  The majority of our patients had simple colds, or "gripe", but we diagnosed a patient with pneumonia, one with migraines, and another with an h. Pylori infection.  All of our patients received proper diagnosis and treatment but I was struck with how much I realized I have come to rely on the other tools we have in our modern clinics at home.  I would have sent one patient for an MRI, another a CT, and a bunch would have gotten a rapid strep test.  However, even lacking these appliances and tests, with a few medicines and some knowledge these suffering adults and children received relief from their ailments and those that needed further treatment were instructed how, and why, to do so.  I know many people think we shouldn't bring our "advanced" medicine from the states because we treat and leave and the people are worse off because there is no follow-up.  The medicine we practiced today was in conjunction with the local health promoter and included education for her that she can now use to further treat and care for her community.  I have a hard time understanding how that could be a bad thing.  In addition to the help we gave, they gave me something in return, perspective and gratitude.  People are the same everywhere.  Work is required to survive, sickness and injury haunts us all, the will to live is in all beings and the family is the central unit to making hardship bearable and life meaningful.  As Christ went about freely giving his healing touch and loving words, I can and should be following in his steps trying to do my meager part in making the world a better place.  I think being here in Guatemala is teaching me how to do that better.  At any rate, I surely am more grateful for the blessings I have received in my life.


Sent from my iPhone

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